フィードバックを提供するGreat people. Staff friendly. The boss came to ask for the good. That's all right. Great. What better is not going on vacation.
Delicious and fresh. For 25 years I've been eating Palak Panir everywhere. This is the best! The cheese, the sauce all tastes like just in the kitchen fresh and lovingly prepared by Mutti. I didn't expect it here. A feeling like the discovery of a treasure!
The Indian Villa restaurant is rated on online reviews with an average of 3.1 stars of 5. This review is based on 516 guest reviews. With the data from Google's assessment portals, Tripadvisor and Menu.menu, we want to illuminate all aspects of this operation. The average rating for Tripadvisor is 3 out of 5 points. At the time of the evaluation, a total of 82 reviews were sent to Tripadvisor. The rating for kitchen is given at 3.5 points of 5. In the quality category, 3 points are awarded. This restaurant is rated on Google with 3.3 stars of max. 5 at 434 reviews. With the guest reviews on Menu.menu, another source flows into the overall average. Menu.menu shows a score of 3. The data collection took place at the beginning of 2021.
The restaurant Indian Villa is judged on online assessment portals with an average 3.1 stars of 5. The evaluation of this editorial assessment is based on 516 guest reviews. With data from Google's assessment portals, Tripadvisor and Menu. menu we want to illuminate all aspects of this operation. The average rating on Tripadvisor is 3 out of 5 points. A total of 82 reviews were submitted to Tripadvisor at the time of evaluation. The rating for kitchen is given at 3.5 points of 5. 3 points are awarded in the quality category. This restaurant is set on Google with 3.3 stars of max. 5 on 434 reviews presented. With the guest reviews on Menu.menu, another source flows into the overall average. Menu.menu shows a score of 3. The data collection took place at the beginning of 2021.
The summer terrace with its cascading tomato and pepper plants, the quality interior design, the very attentive and cheerful staff and the best mango chicken curry I have had in Germany.This restaurant is delightful.