フィードバックを提供する User は Hanasato のファン常連マニアだった:
Yamagasus in Ito is adorned with a unique charm. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the menu is quite appealing. They serve grilled dishes that are exquisitely prepared. The interior features a delightful selection of horse meat and soba (buckwheat noodles) that harmonizes beautifully with their curry. I highly recommend trying the grilled horse meat, which is fantastic, as well as the buttery Yari dish. The menu remains... すべてのフィードバックを表示.
Yamagasus in Ito is adorned with a unique charm. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the menu is quite appealing. They serve grilled dishes that are exquisitely prepared. The interior features a delightful selection of horse meat and soba (buckwheat noodles) that harmonizes beautifully with their curry. I highly recommend trying the grilled horse meat, which is fantastic, as well as the buttery Yari dish. The menu remains consistent throughout the day. Overall, it's a great place to enjoy some delicious, authentic cuisine.
"The grilled red curly dishes at Rage Saiving are absolutely delightful! I had the delicious grilled red curly kehan, which I highly recommend. The grilled curry is also a must-try; it's large and satisfying. However, I wouldn't recommend the Yagi Curry from Flower Studio. Overall, you won't regret trying the grilled curry here!"
On my way back from shopping in the Yamaga area, I stopped for lunch at Hanazato, a place featured on TV. I tried the grilled horse curry that is well-known from the "Mmm, delicious!" segment with Ishizaka. I also ordered the recommended chawanmushi (savory steamed egg custard), and both dishes were incredibly tasty. I plan to return the next time I'm in Yamaga. The mackerel marinated in wine and grilled was also delicious!
2度目は夕食に訪れました。お料理は塩分控えめで上品な味付けで、どれも美味しいです。お茶はさとう製茶に依頼したオリジナルの抹茶入り玄米茶で、色も美しく、味も抜群でした。お酒の種類は少ないですが、花の香和水やヒレ酒などがあり、十分楽しむことができます。一人でも気軽に訪れられ、美味しいアテをつまみながら軽く一杯ひっかけるには最高の場所です。遅くまで開いていないので、サクッと飲んでサッと引き上げるのにぴったりです。 9月末には、花さとで昼食に「うまゲッティー」を850円(税別、サラダ付き)をいただきました。馬すじ肉を熊本産トマトとドライトマトで煮込んでいて、肩ロースの上質なすじ肉だけを使っています。濃厚なチーズとトマトの酸味のバランスが絶妙です。お好みでスパイシーなカレー醤をかけて味を変えることもできます。茶そば定食には茶そばが2種類、おにぎり、サラダがついていて、おにぎりは梅、シャケ、おかかから選べます。 4度目は出張帰りに季節野菜のうまカレーをいただきました。素揚げした野菜がたくさん入っていてポイントが高いです。カレー自体は馬すじを煮込んだマイルドな味です。辛いのが好きな方はカレー醤をかけて楽しんでください。2021年10月には、茶そばとおろし茶そばを試しましたが、おろしの方が個人的には好きです。