フィードバックを提供するI have lived five years in wise and have finally taken the time to eat at judy’s. I had the chicken bacon ranch sand, which was probably the best chicken sand I've ever had. what judy really did, was the personal. They were friendly, efficient and worked as a team. Thanks, judy is for a great lunch!
Great salad bar and soup! Even better service! Got a piece of peanut butter cream pie to go, it was amazing!
Good family restaurant, clean, friendly, good food and lots of it. Great salad bar and yummy deserts.
Had a great dinner husband had prime rib, I had a chicken/mushroom dish. Both were fabulous. Great variety of offerings on the salad bar, and all fresh tasty. Mashed potatoes gravy not the best... but husband's baked potato was great.
Chicken sandwich is mostly just bread with no chicken. I live not even 3 minutes away by the time I got home both of what I ordered was soggy and not consumable unless completely taken apart! No taste or flavor in the meat at all. Completely bland. Seasonings are your best friend and key to a good burger. Bacon was just a bunch of fat. I expected alot better based off the reviews. The onion rings are okay. But other than that ?