フィードバックを提供するBans BLM activists tries to publically ruin struggling families who can't afford diapers runs competitors out of town Morally bankrupt, and hypocrites to boot.
Many kudos to the ladies at the front service desk on Sunday July 3 just before 8 am. you made our weekend thanks for the smiles and friendliness!!!!
Wegmans family has built a gem and we love the store, but it was not a pleasant experience for this Christmas. To much virus what if drama, which the stores use to raise goods so high for the working class. No one is giving the working class huge government food voucher. So, does that give you the right to charge $45.00 a pound for scallops, or the high Cheese prices, meat?....There is no shortage.... The huge greed and virus drama only hurts the WORKER! How many people do you think makes $45.00 a hour to buy the scallops? So, ...this is the first time our family has went without the splurge of treats from your store. Yet, the government fed eat like a King!... 'what a racket .! And your pocket is full.... And the Worker juggles and walks away from the treats! We greatly appreciate the store staying neutral on the face diaper !....No haphazard bin 's to dispose the germ masks in?.... Sun kills it, remember?.....We all need to breath, especially when working!... Sincerely.....A worker
Customer service has gone so far down hill. I blame most of it on the managers. I get treated much better at Traders Joe’s.
They have rearranged the entire store and the employees don't know where anything is. I'm wondering if it's just this location or a corporate move. I'm all for good change but most Wegmans are similar so it is easy to find things. Can you please put everything back where it was!!!!