フィードバックを提供するPub bacana. minha primeira impressão foi que o leque de cervejas could be maior pela adição de algumas poucas garrafas. a inclusão de uma brief descrição das cervejas também é interessante, já que não se pago Cheap por um copo de 300 ml. não comi nem fue num dia com music, I imagine that combining tudo o ambiente fique muito bom!
Ambiance agradável, boa food and boas beer. or atendimento não é muito bom. um pouco delayed, or atendimento. tem um bom potential for melhorar.
Bacana pub. My first impression was that the range of beers could be greater by adding a few bottles. The inclusion of a brief description of beers is also interesting, since it is not paid cheap by a glass of 300 ml. I did not eat or went on a day with music, I imagine that combining everything the environment is very good!
Nice environment, good food and good beers. The service is not very good. A little time consuming, the service. It has a good potential to improve.
Good pub. various faucets. The helicopter can be more ice cream. the inclusion of a brief description of beers is also interesting [edited: now has a description because it is not paid cheap by a glass of 300 ml. I ate a burger bacon. I found it quite creative and tasty, but the accompaniments are a bit confusing. croquettes are regular and do not match the sandwich, the fries have nothing special and the egg, despite the perfect texture does not go well with the accompanying onion.