フィードバックを提供するCmime ekstreme dhe sasi te pakta...nuk ka as menu qe te zgjedhesh .vendi nuk eshte aq perallor bag duket ne foto...definitely wouldn’t recommend it????????????????????
Mengjesi Shum i varfer Vez Te ziera Nuk kishte Vezet e ferguara Krejt Yndyrr ???????????????? Kurse te shezllonet me shum i ipeshin perparsi klientave me pages kurse klientave te hotelit ne Reshtet e fundit ????????????????
Perfect place.very clean and very friendly witness.?
Personali i Hotelit ishte perfekt, nuk na mungonte asgjë. Nga fillimi tek Hyrja ne Resepsion shum mirpritje e mir, si dhe Ndihma e Edisonit nuk harrohet kurrë. Flm per ket pushim shum te mir dhe mir u pafshim!
We booked the hotel with sea view and at the location we received the rooms in the second row! we thought it had been a misunderstanding and on the second day we met a famillie be the reteption which had the same problem!