フィードバックを提供するI really enjoy eating in la taqueria. The staff was always really good to ask and check with me what is gf. You can order most Tacos in a Gf Mais Tortilla and the items are clearly marked in the menu. I am not too sure about cc, although I was asked whether I was a gluten allergy or if it was a preference.
My favorite taco place! Most menu items are GF, the risk of CC is quite low.
Tacos were decent and there were a number of gluten-free options. Most meat and sauces were gluten-free, but double check with the staff to ensure safety.
Tacos were decent and there were a number of gluten-free options. Most meat and sauces were gluten-free, but double check with the staff to ensure safety.
Another notable gluten-free dining option in Vancouver includes La Taqueria Taco Shop.