フィードバックを提供するPizza sin parar es un buffet de pizza gratis donde empezarás con una primera pizza de tamaño xxl continuando con pizzas familiares el resto de rondas. válido sólo para la habitación (nunca entrega o recoger) de lunes a domingo durante el horario de la comida, de 13:00 a 16:00h en todos los restaurantes de la lista y de 13:00 a 21:00h donde se especifica a continuación. el precio del buffet comienza desde 6,95€ con pizzas tradicionales o 7,95€ especialidad . incluye una bebida de recarga en los locales que tienen estas máquinas o en ausencia de una botella de bebida de 33cl. sólo será aplicable con un mínimo de 2 (dos) comensales. no están incluidos en las entradas, postres, bebidas extras o cualquier complemento adicional a la oferta, cada pizza se entrega con el ajo habitual y salsa pepperoncini sin costo adicional. En caso de querer estos productos adicionales debe pagar la cantidad total de la misma. Los niños deben pagar el mismo precio que los adultos, ya que es un precio cerrado. oferta no acumulativa a otras promociones y / o cupones. No se puede tomar comida del restaurante o se ordena llevar los restos del restaurante. hasta que se haya completado una pizza, no se puede ordenar la próxima ronda. las rondas serán por mesa/grupo y no por comensal. Las pizzas no pueden ser ordenadas por la mitad o gota si exceden 3 ingredientes. Desde el 22 de noviembre, habrá una modalidad sin escala con entradas. se añadirá 2€ por comensal, en el precio base (según la tradicional, especialidad o prima). si un comensal decide añadir entradas tendrá que aplicar a todos los comens del grupo, no se puede pedir añadir entradas si el resto no hace lo mismo. las entradas que se pueden incluir serán: rollos de sal, pan de ajo con queso, palos parmesanos, patatas, aros. precio de 6,95€ con tradicional pizza bebida: 6 quesos, carbonara, margarita, pepperonisima, pollo bbq, 3 ingredientes precio 7,95€ queso bebida especial: caprichosa, bbq cremewa, panadero
The service has been very good. I was told I could come later and it wasn't, but it seemed a good detail to inform you. The pizza came very well with temperature and, moreover, sealed something that I did not know because it was the second time I asked home. I will certainly repeat again because the quality of food and customer service have me a lot.
Very good place to eat or eat good quality
Unstop pizza is a pizza-free buffet where you will start with a first xxl-sized pizza continuing with family pizzas for the rest of rounds. valid only for the room (never delivery or pick up) from Monday to Sunday during the meal schedule, from 13:00 to 16:00h in all the restaurants on the list and from 13:00 to 21:00h where specified below. the buffet price starts from 6,95€ with traditional pizzas* or 7,95€ the speciality includes a recharge drink in the premises that have these machines or in the absence of a bottle of 33cl drink. will only be applicable with a minimum of 2 (two) diners. are not included in tickets, desserts, extra drinks or any additional add-on to the offer, each pizza is delivered with the usual garlic and pepperoncini sauce at no additional cost. in case you want these additional products you must pay the total amount of it. children must pay the same price as adults, as it is a closed price. offer not cumulative to other promotions and/or coupons. You can't take food from the restaurant or you order to take the remains of the restaurant. until a pizza has been completed, the next round cannot be ordered. the rounds will be by table/group and not by comensal. pizzas cannot be ordered by half or drop if they exceed 3 ingredients. Since November 22, there will be a non-stop mode with tickets. 2€ per comensal will be added, in the base price (according to the traditional, specialty or premium.) if a comensal decides to add tickets it will have to apply to all the eaters of the group, you cannot ask to add tickets if the rest does not do the same. the tickets that can be included will be: salt rolls, garlic bread with cheese, parmesan sticks, potatoes, hoops. *price of 6,95€ with traditional pizza drink: 6 cheeses, carbonara, margarita, pepperonisima, chicken bbq, 3 ingredients price 7,95€ pizza special drink: whimsy, cremewa bbq, carnina ha
The delicious food and the best the kindness of the staff that attends