フィードバックを提供するThe menu of little heat and between dish and dish takes a lot, the service fatal
Ideal place, being with friends or family you sit at home and it's a place of many years.
El Casal te reservat un capitol en el relat de la memòria col-lectiva de Tiana. No nomès es un lloc molt agradable, sino que esta embolcallat d' història local i popular la qual cosa el fa especialment atractiu. Ara bé, com a restaurant té un problema: El siri és pessim. Absolutament aliens al llegat de la institució els cambrers no son capaços de posar ordre en la seva feina i no saben tractar amigablement a la clientela. Una pen, sobretot si tenim en compte que la cuina respon i està a l'alçada (el menú de cap de setmana de 21€ és més que una opció acceptable)
A bit to serve breakfast in front of the workers who have very limited time
We went to dinner and waited for an hour's clock to get what we had asked for, there came a family later and served them before us, when we had asked for an hour and had a reserved table and everything. We asked for the book of claims and refused to give it to us, they put reggaetón to full volume and we asked him very politely if they could lower the music and a waiter called pau, he answers in very bad ways and with very bad manners. very bad experience, we will never come back again. !