フィードバックを提供するEhhh Starbucks. There's so many things I dislike about Starbucks, I just don't know where to begin - probably on the Americanisation of coffee. On the flip side, one can't help but have at least a small amount of respect for a chain that has as much cultural significance the world over. As a kid I used to enjoy Starbucks, especially their Frappachinos. The store in Balmain would be a frequent hub for my friends and I as we capitalised on this quintessential piece of American pop culture. As my taste for coffee grew, and the Australian franchises crumbled due to Australians getting over the hype and realising that half decent coffee was available everywhere but Starbucks my interest in the chain dwindled rapidly to the point where I sneer at, and heavily judge people walking around the CBD with Starbucks coffee cups in hand (yeah...I'm a coffee snob). The last time before now I willingly drank Starbucks Coffee was in the UK and throughout Europe in Airport terminals as I waited for delayed flights. And that was mostly down to the fact that you had to buy a coffee to access their WIFI. So it was on Friday afternoon as I sought the warmth and dryness of the QVB from a cold and damp Friday rush hour home from work, I reluctantly decided to give this Starbucks a go that I'd walked past countless times and ignored. Got 'tall' Cappuccino in the hope it wouldn't be too bad. I wasn't needing a caffeine fix as such, just something hot to warm me up and accompany me on the way home. The coffee was average to say the least. I wasn't expecting it to be anything special, it was slightly better than I expected, but when you're comparing it in your head to the enjoyment levels of a quick hot cup of instant coffee at home that it's nothing special. It did warm me up on the train ride home however as it was quite hot, which is what it was mostly for, so a good job in that regard. I also had a little bit of nostalgic fun in playing with the different powdered flavours they allow you to put on your coffee, so my coffee ended up being a little chocolate-y, nutmeg-y, and cinnamon-y. Still not worth me going back for a caffeine fix unless they're literally the only coffee shop open in the entire country.
Ehhh Starbucks. There's so many things I dislike about Starbucks, I just don't know where to begin - probably on the Americanisation of coffee. On the flip side, one can't help but have at least a small amount of respect for a chain that has as much cultural significance the world over. As a kid I used to enjoy Starbucks, especially their Frappachinos. The store in Balmain would be a frequent hub for my friends and I as we capitalised on this quintessential piece of American pop culture. As my taste for coffee grew, and the Australian franchises crumbled due to Australians getting over the hype and realising that half decent coffee was available everywhere but Starbucks my interest in the chain dwindled rapidly to the point where I sneer at, and heavily judge people walking around the CBD with Starbucks coffee cups in hand (yeah...I'm a coffee snob). The last time before now I willingly drank Starbucks Coffee was in the UK and throughout Europe in Airport... read more
RmluZCB1cyBvbiBpbnN0YWdyYW06IGxvdmVhdGZpcnN0Yml0ZV9hdXM8YnI Cjxicj4KTm9ybWFsbHkgSSBkb24ndCBkcmluayBTdGFyYnVja3MsIGJ1dCBjb3VsZG4ndCByZXNpc3QgdHJ5aW5nIG91dCB0aGVpciBsaW1pdGVkIGVkaXRpb24gU2FrdXJhIE1hdGNoIEZyYXBwdWNpbm8hIEl0IHdhcyBkZWxpY2lvdXMgYW5kIHByZXR0eSBidXQgb3ZlcnByaWNlZCBhdCAkOC4yMCBmb3IgYSBsYXJnZS4KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDxicj48YnI PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuem9tYXRvLmNvbS9zcG9vbmJhY2s/dT1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnd3dy5pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tJTJGbG92ZWF0Zmlyc3RiaXRlX2F1cyUyRiZhbXA7cj0zMDM1Nzk4OCZhbXA7dG89Mzk5NTEzNDMmYW1wO2s9NDU2NjgxNGVmMzZiMGMxN2U3ZDc0ZDg0YmEzY2U5NzIiIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIj48c3BhbiBjbGFzcz0ibGVmdCByZWQtdGV4dCI aW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbTwvc3Bhbj48c3BhbiBjbGFzcz0iZ3JleS10ZXh0IGxlZnQgbWw1IiBkYXRhLWljb249IsWnIj48L3NwYW4 PC9hPg==
It's more of a take away with a few scattered tables! Grief This is a place that has to do with more seating! Grief High volumes can be seen with the Town Hall station, which pass with the QVB. Grief Grief They are usually also during the high demand hours on the N. grief Grief The availability of food is important because you do not want to stay in stock almost everything you want to eat for the evening. Grief Grief Tried the following: - Grief 1) Kaltbrauer - always a refreshing drink, the best coffee with a cold kick. Grief Grief 2) Tahitian Vanilla Macchiato (Ice Crain) - The taste was mild, but not cute. Very balanced between the bitterness and the vanilla Sweet aftertaste. Grief Grief If you are full of running around George Street or fixing a caffeine-ready before a train ride, fall over and you will not be disappointed.
After a long shopping day, Starbucks is a perfect place to get some drink, you have half a priced tool on Frappuccino until 19 this month, so it was always a long waiting time in this day. Opportunity to try a little more taste next to my favorite double chocolate chip-frappuccino, and it was really good overall.