フィードバックを提供するGuest reviews on the Internet of Restaurant Gasthof Schweiger are on average 4.53 stars from 5. 170 online reviews have been taken into account for the following assessment. With the data from Google's assessment portals, Tripadvisor and Restaurant Guru, we would like to present an overall picture of the guest reviews. 88 opinions found on Tripadvisor indicate an average total value of 4.5 points. The rating for kitchen is given with 4.5 reviews of 5. The quality is given with a 4.5 rating. Gasthof Schweiger receives 4.5 points of max. 5. The category Setup on Tripadvisor is specified for this address with 4.5. Google rated the restaurant on average with 4.6 out of 5 stars. With the guest reviews on Restaurant Guru, another source flows into the overall average. Restaurant Guru shows a rating of 4.5 at a maximum of 5 points. The data collection took place at the beginning of 2021.
Guest reviews on the Internet of Restaurant Gasthof Schweiger are on average 4.53 stars from 5. 170 online reviews were taken into account for the following evaluation. With the data from Google's assessment portals, Tripadvisor and Restaurant Guru we want to picture a total picture of the guest reviews. 88 opinions found on Tripadvisor indicate an average total value of 4.5 points. The rating for kitchen is given with 4.5 rating points of 5. The quality is specified with a 4.5 rating. Gasthof Schweiger gets 4.5 points from max. 5. The category Setup on Tripadvisor is specified for this address with 4.5. Google rated the restaurant on average with 4.6 out of 5 stars. With the guest reviews on Restaurant Guru, another source flows into the overall average. Restaurant Guru shows a rating of 4.5 at a maximum of 5 points. The data collection took place at the beginning of 2021.
Good place to have fast lunch or snack during the church visit. nothing really stumbles
Where money reigns, honest customers have no chance anymore. around 1755 we arrived today on a hot summer day with 34 degrees to the terrace (five-headed hiking group). Three people wanted to drink, order everything well. the other two came around 1805, literally sweated and sat down to drink, unfortunately they were no longer allowed to order. honestly, about five minutes? but not enough: a woman of a group sitting on the side table, ordered another five minutes later a white beer and got it. the statement about what it was about, the answer that are masters, so I cannot deal with guests.
Friendly staff and a good selection of cakes that is my impression that prevails when I let the visit happen in the moser revue. the restaurants are very large, just like the tables in it. a bit of Touri-Nepp is already there because the famous church is in the immediate environment. but everything is in order.