フィードバックを提供するIf you go through sitges, you can't avoid a snack here. It's a taste party in your mouth. I'll be back whenever I can.
Aquest matí hi he fet un cafè amb llet petit(tenen dues mides), i un croissant. ben presentat in a fusta tauleta amb the way per posing the cullereta. the servei i l'atenció have been immillorable. the local és molt acollidor i està molt net. ho havia de dir!. I will turn diumenge that sees i sempre that follows per sitges i ho trobi obert. només una recomanació: demaneu que tothom que entri porti la mascareta inada a más i pala, pel bé de tots. gràcies.
You're leaving, whatever it is, don't stop having a delicious coffee in this special corner.
I came to the beach around here and I went to have a coffee with croissants and I really got the place, very nice.
A must-see place in sitges, either for breakfast, lunch or snack. quality coffee, care service in details. the staff is friendly and helpful. as the only one sticks, the excessive amount of sugar that some cakes have, taking that off, very good taste.