フィードバックを提供するThe prices are average, the barkeepers are sociable, inconspicuous and know their business, the range of whisky is quite decent. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION
A great place to stay hungry and in bad condition. I ordered chicken wings, they wore them 30 minutes, and as a result they brought me medium-sized wings, with blood) I have not tried more terrible kitchen, of course I did not eat the wings, they refused to remove them from the bill. the book of complaining from the time of the udder, completely filled, there is no place in it.
The most disgusting pub in which I was. As soon as they went down to the school immediately, the pleasant smell of dirty rags or dampness struck in the nose, without a clue what it was! Okay, I think I kind of read the reviews and praised him, I will tolerate. Here the CLOWN comes up. The waiter, in other words, I can’t call him, some stupid jokes, all twitches, it’s not clear what he is building himself, in general, he is clearly replaying the role of a waiter! We ordered grilled mushrooms, pizza and drinks. Drinks brought kraz, coffee is normal, but here is cherry juice! I have never seen such a glass in my life, and I even have no idea how much ml was there. the glass was super narrow as for a shot, and the juice was a couple sips. Brought mushrooms on the green! How many of me are not very mangalchik, but how was it possible to bung JUST mushrooms ?? The taste is disgusting, I did not understand whether it was burnt bitter garlic on mushrooms, or burnt dirt on mushrooms, bitter taste! PIZZA!!!!!! We ordered a pizza barbecue, AH YES AFTER MUSHROOMS, WE WAIT FOR 40 MINUTES. Tasteless, the filling is falling apart basically the filling is barbecue sauce and a couple of pieces of chicken , the dough is half baked! VERY NOT PLEASANT AFTERMATH, VERY !!! In a word, I strongly do not recommend this place !!!! 800 r in empty, we remained hungry and in addition angry !! Original САМЫЙ ОТВРАТИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАБ В КОТОРОМ Я БЫЛА. Как только спустились в заведение сразу же в нос ударил не приятный запах грязных тряпок или сырости,без понятия что это было! Ладно думаю я,вроде читала отзывы и его хвалили,потерплю. Тут подходит КЛОУН официант другими словами я назвать его не могу, какие то тупые шуточки, дергается весь, не понятно что из себя строит, вообщем явно переигрывает роль официанта! Заказали грибы на гриле,пиццу и напитки. Напитки принесли кразу, кофе нормальное, но вот вишневый сок !такого стакана я в жизни не видела и даже понятия не имею сколько там было мл. стакан был супер узкий как для шота ,а сока было на пару глотков. Принесли грибы на грине! На сколько из меня не очень мангальщик ,но как можно было запороть ПРОСТО грибы?? Вкус отвратительный , я так и не поняла то ли это был подгоревший горький чеснок на грибах, то ли подгоревшая грязь на грибах ,горько вкуса! ПИЦЦА!!!!!! Заказали пиццу барбекю, АХ ДА ПОСЛЕ ГРИБОВ ,МЫ ЕЕ ЖДАЛИ 40 МИНУТ. Безвкусная, начинка разваливается в основном начинка это соус барбекю и пару кусочков курицы ,тесто полусырое! ОЧЕНЬ НЕ ПРИЯТНОЕ ПОСЛЕВКУСИЕ,ОЧЕНЬ !!! Одним словом я настоятельно не рекомендую данное заведение!!!! 800 р в пустую,мы так и остались голодными и в добавок злыми!!
The most disgusting pub I was in. as soon as they went to school, the pleasant smell of dirty wet or dampness in the nose beat without a hint at what it was! ok, I think I read the reviews and praise him, I will tolerate. here comes the clown. the waiter, with other words, I can not call him a stupid sweat, all twitches, it is not clear what he builds himself, in general, he is clearly behind the roll of a waiter! we ordered grilled mushrooms, pizza and drinks. Drinks with kraz, coffee is normal, but here is cherry juice! I've never seen such a glass in my life, and I have no idea how much ml was there. the glass was super slim as for a shot, and the juice was a few sips. the mushrooms on the green! how many of me are not very mangalchik, but how was it possible to bung only mushrooms? the taste is disgusting, I did not understand whether it was bitter garlic on mushrooms burned, or burned dirt on mushrooms, bitter taste! pizza! we ordered a pizza grill, yes after the mushrooms, we wait for 40 minutes. tasteless, the filling falls apart (on the basis of the filling is grill sauce and a few pieces hä, the teig is half baked! not pleasant at night, very! in a word, I do not recommend this place! 800 r empty, we stayed hungry and additionally angry!
Very cozy caffeine! heartbeat! excellent and tasty food and drinks! very professional and friendly staff!