Very varied, great selection, delicious and great organized. we always like to go to the brunch in saarlouis.
Monthly purely vegan refresh. there are always super tasty, partly also very elaborate dishes, always a bit warm. Drinks (coffee, juice, sweet milk, tee are inc...
続きを読むAlways delicious. relaxed atmosphere, many nice people and of course super vegan eating. large selection.
Oh, my God, there were so many decisions. salate, brote, spreads, muffins, cake, noodles, stew, burger, ... well, I really tried it hard, but I could only test...
続きを読むThe food choices were just amazing and it was impossible to try them all. There were numerous savoury options, two of which were kept warm, as well as cakes and...
続きを読むDas Restaurant in Saarlouis bietet eine große Auswahl an leckeren Gerichten und ist sehr gut organisiert. Wir genießen es immer wieder, dort zum Brunch zu gehen...
続きを読むMonatlich findet ein rein veganer Mitbring-Brunch statt. Es werden immer super leckere und teilweise sehr aufwändige Gerichte angeboten, darunter auch warme Spe...
続きを読むImmer wieder köstlich. Entspannte Atmosphäre, viele freundliche Menschen und natürlich hervorragende vegane Speisen. Vielfältige Auswahl.
Oh my God, there were so many choices. Salads, breads, spreads, muffins, cakes, noodles, stew, burger, … Well I really tried hard, but I could only test a fract...