Sehr leckere Muscheln dort gegessen. Ludevic und Christoph haben immer schönes Events. Ate very tasty mussels there. Ludevic and Christoph always have nice even...
続きを読むVery disappointed.. we have ordered 2 carvings for almost 35 euros, we have got inedible meat (grown by the finest, tasted it as if it had been kept warm 10 hou...
続きを読むGute Küche, sehr nette Bedienung und auch die Besitzer sind in Ordnung. Lockere Atmosphäre. Good kitchen, very nice service and also the owners are fine. Casual...
続きを読むOwner and service very friendly. Food tasted very well and was visually very beautifully dressed. We can recommend the restaurant of good conscience. Owner and...
続きを読むAusgezeichnete Biere und sehr leckeres Essen. Wir waren zu dritt hier und habe ein tolles Abend verbracht. Excellent beers and very tasty food. There were three...