フィードバックを提供するPlace super agradável no bairro santa teresa. é bar no flat térreo and restaurant na top do cute leftover that occupies. em dias sem chuva, pode-se escolher uma das mesas que ficam sob a proteção de frondosas arvores, com direito a ver miquinhos em seus galhos. a decoração privilegia material de demolição e o rico artesanato brasileiro. dm uma boa card of handicrafts. or that mais gostei foram succumbs you. tomei um suco de morango com limão muito bom.
Excellent restaurant. pratos surpreendem hair flavor! enchanted! super recommend.
Super nice place in the Santa Teresa neighborhood. It's bar on the ground floor and restaurant at the top of the beautiful town that occupies. On rainless days, one can choose one of the tables that are under the protection of leafy trees, with the right to see little pigs on their branches. Decoration privileges demolition material and the rich Brazilian craftsmanship. It has a good letter of handmade beers. What I liked the most were the juices. I took a strawberry juice with very good lemon.
Excellent restaurant. Dishes surprise by the taste! Enchanted! Super recommend.