フィードバックを提供するEine kleine Pizzeria in der Wiedenbrücker Stadtmitte, mit freundlichem Service und leckerer Pizza. Was will man mehr?
Kleine Pizzeria versteckt in der Birnstrasse / neben PaterskircheKein Schickimicki, einfach, richtig wirklich sehr gute Pizza. Pasta haben wir noch nicht probiert, deshalb keine Empfehlung dazu.Probieren: Pizza Argentina!
Die kleine und ziemlich versteckte Stehpizzeria ist aus meiner Sicht so ziemlich die erste Adresse für eine leckere Pizza. Auch wenn Wiedenbrück mit einigen ordentlichen Pizzerien gesegnet ist, gehen wir doch mittlerweile fast immer dorthin, wenn wir mal Hunger auf Pizza haben.
Recently discovered, for two years. had pizza at both locations, like my companions. I don't say that easily, to the greatest part because there are many decent pizza places in the opposite, but this is really extraordinary. I don't have a bad word to say. about eating, another one I visited. sitting is limited, 5 tables or so, and service can be quite slow. very slow, occasionally and judging by what I saw to go around me, not always 100% reliable. errors, however, do not seem to be fixed a problem so that I will not keep it against the place. To sum up, if you appreciate a good pizza Napoli style, then you have to go. it is better than many in italia.
We found pizzeria rose on google maps during the trip. the service was excellent and the pizza was great. we would recommend this restaurant to anyone who loves authentic Italian pizza.