フィードバックを提供するThe money received serves Ukrainian children who are ill with cancer and are now being treated at the University Hospital Essen. Snacks and finger food, over 20 different burgers, 12 different hot dogs and of course the good old curry sausage; All this has family Wallstein, the operator of Marie Curry in Quierschieder Ortsteil Fischbach usually in the program. On the day of the election, however, the sausage was exclusively about the sausage and the overlong sausage. Barbeques for the good purpose had announced Wirt Andreas Wallstein. But it shouldn't be normal sausages. We grill half a meter on the piece called it in the announcement. I have learned through a TV post and in the press that the oncology of the UIniklinik Essen takes up and treats cancer-stricken children from Ukraine. The fates have touched me very much, and I thought I wanted to do something to support this, according to the grillmaster. 200 pieces of extra-long sausages were ordered by butcher master Manuel Dörr from Merchweiler; These were offered for seven euros per piece as a barbecue sausage on rolls or as a delicious curry sausage with sauce.The complete proceeds and donations that additionally landed in the donation boxes will provide the gastronomic of the Essen oncology. Prof. Dr.Dirk Reinhardt, chief physician of the Kinderklinik der Uniklinik Essen, will be delighted.The donations from the sale of the XXL-Rostwürste will help to alleviate the need of children (3 to 17 years old, who came from Kiev, Odessa and Lwiw and were seriously ill for 48 hours in the middle of the wards on the way to food. We have the expertise to treat and supply cancers, but we also need to look at what traumas the war has left in these children, according to Prof.Dr.Reinhardt. more than 700 euros were redeemed from the sausage sale; the sum of the additional donations is not exactly known, but is probably in the well three-digit range. (including excerpt from the SZ of 30.03.