フィードバックを提供するHealthy, super cheap, vegan friendly options and compot:
Great dining room! have they long been looking for the breakfast tasty and cheap in pskow? highly recommended! this dining room is not pretentious, the prices are ridiculous, the eating is well prepared, the room is large and the ventilation is good. there is dish, sausage, chalk, cassetten, pancakes, coffee, tee and more. to understand, I present a photo of the review. (original Отличная столовая! Долго искали где бы нам позавтракатьвкусно и недого в Пскове? Начли! ченциярекомендую! столовая не пафосная, цены просто смешные, приготовлна еданорошое Для понимания прикрепляю фото чека.
Perfect place. We liked. The food is delicious and of good quality. At the same time, it is quite cheap. We will be in Pskov again, we will definitely come for lunch. Went on a Saturday not many people, no queues. The portions are large, our size. Wife praises with a full mouth eats and smiles. We rarely take desserts in canteens, but here we could not resist, it looked very beautiful. And they didn't regret it. The cakes were also delicious. We leave with a full belly and positive emotions (Original Отличное место. Нам понравилось. Еда вкусная и качественная. При этом достаточно дешёвая. Будем еще во Пскове обязательно зайдём на обед. Были в субботу народу не много, в очереди не стояли. Порции большие, наш размерчик. Жена нахваливает с полным ртом ест и улыбается. Редко берем десерты в столовых, но тут не удержались, выглядело очень красиво. И не сколько не пожалели. Пироженные были еще и вкусными. Уходим с полным животом, и положительными эмоциями
Healthy, super cheap, vegan friendly options and kompot :
We remember Pskov as tourists for its hospitality . The first time we arrived, many places in the center were closed, we were able to eat in Georgian cuisine (I recommend, tasty, fast and beautiful The second time we stopped by and decided to go to the dining room, where the cashier counts the money perfectly. I punched a check for 330r in advance, then our check for 1099r goes on, I gave her 5000r and gave 330r. I opened the check in the car, I didn’t want to go back. She needs more : Be careful. Have a nice holiday