フィードバックを提供するMás concretamente en la calle Burriana, este local disfruta de una privilegiada ubicación en el centro turístico de la ciudad, un local que pone en bandeja a sus clientes una amplísima diversidad de platos centrados en la cocina valenciana y mediterránea, donde se podrán probar desde platos puramente tradicionales hasta platos innovadores y vanguardistas que sorprenderán a sus clientes más exigentes. Entre sus delicias culinarias ni que decir tiene que no puede irte sin probar alguna de las sugerencias de la casa como su cesta de habitas baby, su pulpo braseado con sus cachelos, su arroz meloso (plato estrella del local sin lugar a dudas), sus famosas patatas bravas de la abuela, su saludable ensalada con queso brie o bien sus croquetas caseras. En cuanto a sus postres decir que la propuesta a elegir es realmente extensa, postres como el coulant con centro líquido, el brownie de chocolate y nueces o la tarta tatín de manzana son las recomendaciones.
More specifically on the street of burriana, this place enjoys a privileged location in the tourist centre of the city, a place that puts on a tray to the customers a wide variety of dishes focused on the Valencian and Mediterranean cuisine, where you can try from purely traditional dishes to innovative and avant-garde dishes that will surprise the most demanding customers. among the delicious culinary delights and what to say that you can't leave without trying any of the suggestions of the house like your baby basket, your tanned octopus with such cachelos, your melose rice (the star of the place without a doubt), so famous granny pancakes, your healthy salad with brio cheese or so homemade croquettes. As for desserts to say that the proposal to choose is very extensive, desserts such as coulant with liquid center, the chocolate brownie and nuts or the apple pie are the recommendations.
Good friendly service and delicious food. The staff at the night of our visit spoke only Spanish, but tried their best to understand the small Spanish that we spoke and Google translations. The valencian paella was very good and a great introduction to an authentic paella.
Delicious food, good service (even if the waitress does not speak much English, she was sweet and cared for us), prices average. Most portions are huge, great to share. Would definitely go back.
We recently had Shellhouse cater my dad's 75th Birthday and they did an amazing job! They were very helpful throughout the entire process.