フィードバックを提供するIn the sea of the same restaurants, SOS stands out for us with its exotic menu. I'm happy to come back
All the best, excellent service, food that many well-known restaurants in the world cannot come close to in culinary terms.
Don't waste your time. If you want grumpy waiters and total lack of service, and you've come to be annoyed, this is the place for you. Otherwise, go anywhere else, even for burgers from the counter.
Everything was great, food, drinks and service. A restaurant that offers a wider selection of food, not just barbecue. Although their barbecue is excellent as well as other dishes. A large selection of delicious salads and side dishes (polenta, baked potato... Hot bun). The waitress who was also a cook understands her job. She does everything by herself, and it's extraordinary and without a long wait. Thank you, we will definitely come again.
Sve je bilo super, hrana, piće i usluga. Restoran koji nudi veći izbor hrane, a ne samo roštilj. Mada im je i roštilj izvanredan kao i ostala jela. Veliki izbor ukusnih salata i priloga (palenta, pekarski krompir... Vruća lepinja). Konobarica koje je bila ujedno i kuvarica razume svoj posao. Ona sama sve radi i to izvanredno i bez dugog čekanja. Hvala vam, dolazimo sigurno opet.