フィードバックを提供するBest coffee in Baumana. We've only been coming here for six months. They have a syrup with stevia. Don't miss out on trying the salted caramel pastry. It's amazing!
I absolutely adore this coffee! It's so nice to have the place to myself with two seats and a couch. They have a great selection of books to read while enjoying your coffee, and it's also a great spot for watching a movie. The dessert options may be limited, but they are mouthwateringly delicious! And the coffee is truly divine, the best I've ever had. It's a perfect match.
This is a fantastic place with excellent coffee! They offer 12% cream to go with it!
It was my first visit, but definitely not the last, now that I know of this place. Here I tasted the finest mocha in Moscow. The atmosphere is actually really friendly, and the coffee is perfect beyond my wildest dreams. ₽200 is quite a fair price to pay for this ambrosia. Thanks so much! Also I don't recommend Caihalulu cocktail, for it's way too weird. It's spicy, with orange juice, Tabasco and espresso taste's controversial, but also really bad for your stomach, because all three ingredients stimulate secretion of gastric acid. So if you order it, eat something beforehand.
Качественный кофе. Хорошо готовят, правда, иногда, медленнее, чем обычно. Вообще атмосфера неспешная. Было бы пять звëзд, если бы внутри не сидела одна и та же группа претенциозных чванливых мудаков, ведущих беседы на высокие темы, в которых не шарят. Скорее всего знакомые владельца. Для желающих посетить: вкусный капучино с налëтом кринжа.