フィードバックを提供する User は もつ Shāo き Táng Yáng げ Chuàn モン èr Hé Mù のファン常連マニアだった:
Based on the photos and reviews, we were looking forward to dining here, but it turns out it's more of a welfare bar. There’s a seat fee, even if you're not drinking. Nevertheless, we decided to stay and were treated to a generous pour of excellent sake along with some tasty appetizers. I would recommend this place if you’re in the mood for a bar, but don’t expect to have a full meal. すべてのフィードバックを表示.
ITO'S A STORE WHERE YOU CAN FIND GREAT VALUE! The prices are also very reasonable.
Based on the photos and reviews, we were looking forward to dining here, but it turns out it's more of a welfare bar. There’s a seat fee, even if you're not drinking. Nevertheless, we decided to stay and were treated to a generous pour of excellent sake along with some tasty appetizers. I would recommend this place if you’re in the mood for a bar, but don’t expect to have a full meal.
The skewers are delicious and affordable, and you can pay using services like PayPay.
Large amusement area