フィードバックを提供するTrató razonable y buenas tapas. De momento aún no hemos comido aquí. Todo llegará. Si esta reseña te ha gustado o al menos parecido útil por favor házmelo saber pinchando en el simbolito del pulgar hacia arriba Gracias
Siempre venimos. Comida casera, muy buena relación calidad-precio. Su cachopo es un plato estrella que tiene en carta que es una delicia, es enorme y para compartir es una muy buena opción. El pulpo es una de sus especialidades, de los mejores de Madrid sin duda. El entrecot exquisito también. Personal extremadamente educado y con clarísima orientación a cliente, en la línea de la personalidad de Lelo, su dueño. A diario tienen un menú del día riquísimo de 11€, con primeros, segundos, pan, bebida, postre Y café. Ambiente estupendo en Calle Conde Duque, barriles fuera para poder tomar aperitivo.
My experience in this very pleasant, austere galician restaurant bar was short, but sweet. I didn't have much time for the nice price (at 10 eur! lunch especially, but I got a good sense for the menu, service and quality of eating. I sat at the small bar and ordered my usual vegetarian go-to-moe, tortilla española (Spanish omelette and a soft drink. the waiter immediately served me my drink and gave me two, not one, different kanapes to munch while warming my omelette. do I have the special treatment, or is the standard service? I don't know, but I definitely appreciated it! and the canapes were delicious with sardelle and thunfish and tomato and very fresh. as all tapas and other foods appeared in the refrigerator fall. everything looked so appetizing and the prizes are good. when I went into the very good, huge (all for 3 people! part of the tortilla, I extended the menu and the room. it is really very beautiful - many windows, white walls, simple, clean, with many tables (2 rooms for eating and large barrel tables with stool for beer drink and tapa eat. it's not her typical galic bar that looks like it's been around since the civil war. it is also not plastic and modern. they also offer a fairly large flat screen television for football matches and realignment. the menu is solid. they have many fish dishes, meat dishes, amazing (salate, wee, and other typical tapa evenings. average price for a meat or fish escape runs around 15 eur. the salate is between 7-10 eur. my hunch is that they will get pounds of food though, because my huge part of tortilla plus drink ran me only 4 euro. they are probably courts that they can share. all this and they are in the heart of one of the best (it is one of my favorite, at least neighboring in the city center. there are many other cool bars, restaurants, shops and events just a stone's throw away. I know where I have a beer today.
I really liked this little bar. the bartender is great and the kanapes are fantastic. great prices for wine and beer too.
Un verdadero gallego en el corazón de Madrid. el alma de este lugar es lelo, su dueño, un gallego que se ha establecido en madrid durante muchos años y ha sabido mantener la tradición de la gastronomía de su tierra en las raciones que ofrece en su carta y también en los guisos y menús que ofrece. entre lo esencial están los pimientos del helecho, el chorizo al infierno y el pulpo (siempre cocinados en su punto de joto y el cachopo, que todavía no es un plato típico gallego, lo borda. el barbero de la casa es perfecto para acompañar estos platos terminando con algunos orujos y algún otro postre.