フィードバックを提供するThe staff had a great attitude, deserving commendation! I bought a cake for myself with only one candle, but they went out of their way to give us two candles, which was super cute. The plating was also incredibly beautiful! I had a very happy dining experience here this time!
The restaurant has excellent service quality and a great atmosphere. The staff's attitude is very friendly and welcoming, making customers like it a lot. When in the north, I will definitely choose to visit again. The new dishes offered are flavors that cannot be found in the south.
The female servers have a very good attitude and are very attentive. The dishes are delicious and I would recommend this restaurant.
前去用餐時 因為走錯路遲到了 店員打電話來跟我確認是否今天中午有訂位 出發了沒 我跟她說人在路上看導航 店員很親切的指導我該怎麼走比較好 遲到了ㄧ會兒真的是對店家很抱歉 那天點的義大利麵 燉飯跟焦糖起士吐司未免也太好吃 麵飯的味道很夠 醬汁也很濃郁 大愛 完全沒有地雷 回來馬上跟同事說下次要帶她們去吃 唯一唯一ㄧ點美中不足的是 我上網先做了功課 想說去到那邊我要點海膽奶油義大利麵 期待已久 因為我非常愛海膽義大利麵 可是店家說那是週一到週五的商業午餐 假日也不能單點 真的是晴天霹靂 因為我根本沒辦法一到五上台北吃 本來想帶另一個海膽控朋友去的 可是我們都休星期日阿 怎麼這麼悲劇 老闆能不能行行好 考慮開放單點呢 我會幫你再多揪幾位客人的
服務態度真的非常好~因為那天出了狀況但是店員都沒有表示不耐煩 很有耐心處理 覺得很窩心 鹹食很好吃(推雞肉串)餐廳裡面很有氣氛