フィードバックを提供するStill not sure about the new setup but will get used to it
Great Metro. Love the renovation. This is my grocery store close to my home.
Expensive, but good quality produce, and amazing fresh seafood. If you've got the extra couple dollars to spend it's very worth it!
Metro. Superstore. They both have Goat Milk in stock. And my wife and I are food sensitive to Cows Milk.While in the store. I had to check out the Orchids. I found a couple very striking coloured Watercolours varieties. Almost bought 1 but, as my wife reminded me you have no windowsill space, see... plus, a woman (staff) asked me if I needed help, I didn 't , but a conversation ensued between two Orchid Lovers, growing tips and information on getting them to reblooming etc. I 'm glad I was there for that.I did buy a Raspberry cheesecake, to take home and share with my Sweetheart.
Well it was ok but I overspent on my debit card so I told the clerk I have to go to my bank for cash, I thought all technology would be able for me to return and pay. Nope he had to rescan my items that were already bagged into my own bags. Plus as a customer service provider he wasn't very happy with my return. Yet I love metro yet please more work on their customer relations with actual customers such as I. I have money to spend there plus to accumulate air mile point. Thanks