フィードバックを提供するThe ideal kitchen of the times that is indestructible in quality and taste, as well as the price, is ready to please and surprise them at the same time. personally I was surprised in a very simple looking institution at such a level, but the particular thing is that they do not change traditions. Идалная кухня времн нерушимого по качествуи вкусусукусукусук же цене гуновасвовататви
I go there very rarely, usually it is connected with death. The funeral service usually takes place in this institution, but I am sure that for other reasons you can have a snack there. The food is delicious and fresh. Borscht and second courses at a high level. In general, without further ado, this place, unremarkable, has a lot of biased features, but guys it's really delicious there !!! Бываю там крайне редко, обычно это связано со смертью. Поминки проводить обычно приходится именно в этом заведении, но я уверен что и по другим причинам там можно перекусить. Еда вкусная, свежая. Борщи и вторые блюда на высоком уровне. В общем, без лишних слов данное место, непримечательно, имеет массу предвзятых особенностей, но ребята там действительно вкусно!!!
Earlier a year or two ago there were other chefs and cashiers and the service was delicious and fast. Now we stopped to eat and it was the last time ... a half sleeping girl at the distribution, a queue of 10 people and at the same time lets go of visitors talking on the phone about personal ... one visitor was released for 10 minutes. We waited for the queue already with the last bit of strength and did not eat tasty: pickle from yesterday, most likely, since there was just porridge, the chicken was raw and everything was served cold and we just asked to warm up every plate Original Раньше год два назад были другие повара кассиры и было вкусно и быстрое обслуживание. Сейчас заехали покушать и было это в последний раз...полуспящая девушка на раздаче, очередь из 10 человек и одновременно отпускает посетителей разговаривая по телефону о личном...одного посетителя отпускала по 10 минут. Дождались очереди уже из последних сил и не вкусно поели :рассольник со вчерашнего дня скорее всего, так как была каша просто, курица сырая и всё подавали холодное и мы просто каждую тарелку просили разогреть
I'm sure not. The table was mined. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the cooks and staff. It's very well prepared. It's good at home. She's clean and cozy. High-level service. Thank you very much. Prices are very acceptable. I suggest you match the quality of service. You won't.
Big diner, I didn't even eat it at home. all delicious portions are large, that is a big plus. the personal is friendly when they ask for an supplement, they will definitely give it free. sometimes I don't even buy courts, I ask immediately for a supplement Отличная столовая, я даже дома такого не ела. Всевкусно порции большие,это большой плюсперсонал доброжелательный ,если просить добавуобязазабязазазазазазабязабязазазазязазазазазазазазазабязабязабязабязазабязазазнозазазазазазазазазазабязнобязазазазабязазабязязазазазазазазнобязазязазазабязязабяза