フィードバックを提供するTypical road cafe KFC Avto between Tver and Moscow. The cafe is clean, clean tables and a bathroom. Nice girls behind the counter. Thanks for the fast and quality service.
Service is terrible. The price is not correlated with the actual availability of food. Can't make a return. I prove that when returning after payment, they are not required to provide a return receipt. Like, I have to believe for a word that the return due to the lack of a dish was made
The type of car is a zhenkaf Tever of a mosquito. Typical road café between Tvery and Moscow. Café is clean, clean tables are pine. Nice girls behind the cash. Thank you for your quick and quality services.
The service is terrible. The price is not correlated with the real availability of food. Can't make a return normally. I prove that when returning after payment has been made, I am not obliged to provide a return receipt. Like, I have to take my word for it that a return was made due to the lack of a dish. Обслуживание ужасное. Не соотнесен прайс с реальным наличием еды. Не могут нормально сделать возврат. Доказываю, что при возврате после проведения оплаты, не обязаны предоставить возвратный чек. Типа я на слово должна поверить, что возврат из за отсутствия блюда сделан
The quality of service has noticeably fallen, sometimes there are not enough employees. I ordered a large potato, they put less than it should be, they oversalted it. Not all menus are available. It's a shame, it used to be great.... Заметно упало качество обслуживания, бывает сотрудников не хватает. Заказал большую картошку, наложили меньше чем должно быть, пересолили. Не всё меню есть. Обидно, раньше было все отлично....