フィードバックを提供するý ý ý Êað er dýrt eins og Ísland Í ë ̈ ̧ë ̈ ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë í ̧ë ̧ë ̧ë ̧ë ̧ë ̧ ̧ë ̧ ̧ë ̧ ̧ë ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ ̧ er er eini staðurinn Upprunalegt, early morning, airplane rider was not coming morning. Iceland is an expensive water, but it was only eaten. It's like eating different health foods. It is not a lot of sheep, but it is a quick way to get to the airport. It’s a great place to stay in Iceland. The only place to eat here. .
Þýtt af Google) Vá. Ein besta veganupplifun sem ég hef upplifað á flugvellinum !! Ég fékk mér avókadó ristað brauð og vegan súkkulaðiköku, bæði voru frábær! Svo mikið að ég fór að kanna hvort Nord Restaurant væri að finna á fleiri stöðum í Reykjavík.
Þýtt af Google) Pizzurnar bragðuðust vel. Verð á íslenskum vettvangi. Virðist vera besti kosturinn á flugvellinum. Uppruna laid) The pizzas were delicious. Price on Icelandic level. Seems to be the best alternative at the airport.
Good breakfast sandwich, only had to wait for 5-7min for the food tho it was really busy there. Polite servers and helpful staff