フィードバックを提供するThe seller asks the buyer to use the FPP2 mask while she works in a simple medical mask.Because it is not possible to answer the owner, so I supplement my review. For your information, my virus does not differ from the seller's virus. Especially if no one is in the room except me and the seller. After your argument, my virus will penetrate through saliva protection, but the seller's virus will not.
In contrast to other, also known gas stations, this gas station is in all. Based on the unfriendly of the cashier (TOTAL patzig), you cannot pay here with credit card, the toilets are not walkable, we don't take back the deposit, select ShopwRen overpriced, the offer very blocking list, etc. Never again, even if I were lying.
Was there as an e-bike. Nice and friendly. Topp.
Large rooms with very large beds and typical American direct exit to the farm
So expensive, so I try to refuel as rarely as possible.