フィードバックを提供するThis shop is really suitable for ceremonies. even if only drink beer and try a little rice is delicious sit and watch football. enjoy when it makes fun. the day after that will come and try to taste the full food. many fresh beers are available. delicious and funny. guaranteed. related to the eye-catching values that are recorded and that are placed on the head. describe that this is a specific period. it is a differentiated and differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiation resulting from the differentiated differentiating differentiation. ing examples for the delivery of the structure it is only a differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated concentrations.
The lunch was replaced by a buffet, but everything was delicious and fun. ランチがビュッフェに代わっていましたが、どれも美味しくて楽しかったです。
店員さんたちは皆素晴らしかったです。ピザも美味しかったですが、チーズリゾットは特に美味でした! 前日に営業しているか確認の電話をした際、女性スタッフの応対もとても良かったです。おっさん二人で行ったにも関わらず、皆さんが丁寧に対応してくれたので、料理が美味しくないはずがありません。次回は、たくさんのクラフトビールを飲みながら、ゆっくり食事を楽しみに来たいと思います! 心残りなのは、写真を撮るのを忘れてしまったことです。。。