フィードバックを提供するServei impecable, atencio fantastica... El Tartar, bonissim... Tornarem!!! Gracies,Carlos, i no se com es diu la Mastressa, pero moltes gracies als dos pel tracte... Salut i exits!!! Jordi&Sandra
Excellence host with great advice for eating and the wine! beautiful restaurant with a great ambiente and very nice staff. it is a bit of a walk, but very much worth her time!
It seems that these are probably a very nice restaurant. but we were not greeted when we came for almost 10 minutes. the plates have lost part of the metallic details, but are still used and the wine glasses were not particularly clean. the food was good and the service was good, but there was a big party so they tried to pull us through. we appreciate that they submit our order in front of the big party, but then the food came so fast we were in and out with appetizers, main course, dessert and a bottle of wine in about an hour.
Hem gaudit del menjar i ens han atès molt be, ens han demostrat que estaven per nosaltres sense molestar. el Ceviche de corball ha estat excelent i molt fresc. El carpacho de peus de porc per disfrutar
Estava tot deliciós, la companyia també va fer molt ; però tant el servei, com el menjar espectaculars! Us ho recomanaria tot, però no podeu marxar d’allí sense provar el ceviche i el PASTÍS DE FORMATGE! Mare meva quin espectacle de sabors!!!