フィードバックを提供するAm fost în acest restaurant în timp ce eram în trecere, eram destul de grăbiți deoarece trebuia să ajungem la București pentru a prinde avionul, localul era destul de gol, dar am cerut chelnerului să grăbească puțin lucrurile și nu a fost nici o problemă. Am mâncat niște hamburgeri fantastici! Localul foarte recomandat! Dacă mă voi mai afla în zonă, voi merge cu mai mult timp la dispoziție!
Chelnerul a fost foarte nesimțit și au un meniu restricționat în cazul în care este aglomerat cu mâncare groaznică. Vreau să subliniez din nou comportamentul groaznic al angajaților restaurantului.
Restaurant destul de elegant...luni după amiază...foarte liniștit...serviciu ok. Mâncare bună. Bruschetta de la intrare delicioasă. Puiul cu ananas și orez cu cocos foarte bun. Tiramisu bun, dar nimic extraordinar.
Probably the best restaurant in Galati. Looks impressive, the food is great and the staff very polite. I had a meal in the winter and the interior of the restaurant is majestic. During the summer people eat on the terrasse, this is great as well....More
It was our first visit to this restaurant and I must say almost sure that will also be the last one. The best thing is the terrace. They enjoy a nice location and the atmosphere is really pleasant. Outstanding cocktails! The food is ok. Not extraordinary..just ok! The worst part of the experience was the service. The waiter misunderstood my husband's main course and we ended up paying waiter mistake. The way he came to us and told us "if you don't want this dish I must pay for it from my salary, so..what..should I prepare it for take away?" it shocked me. We didn't wanted to complain to the superiors. Just reordered the new dish (the original one) and took away the other (we payed both of them). I was really disappointed of 2 things: 1.how is it possible a restaurant is taking out from a worker salary a dish that the client doesn't want (actually it was waiter fault he misunderstood our order). It seems to us such a extreme way to treat your employees.2.how can a waiter almost "force" you to pay and take away a dish you didn't ordered. His tone of voice half crying half brave was really shocking.At the end of the story, we like to believe he was a non very skilled waiter, perhaps a new employee still in the very first days of working and suppose we just had "bad luck" that night. But still, our feedback is is not good and sadly, the overall experience is the one that counts. Ours was negative!