フィードバックを提供する User は Hé ぼうず のファン常連マニアだった:
At Ato Nite, I had a delightful experience with the bold side dishes, and Rosal Ato Wabozu and VellySatisfeed were fantastic! The reservation process was smooth! I visited Maruoka Castle and enjoyed some ground chicken from the Fukui Daiichi Line! I was extremely satisfied with the delicious food and the local sake that Wahozu had booked for the evening! すべてのフィードバックを表示.
非喫煙者にとってはキツイ店です…。土曜日の夜、家族4人でお邪魔しました。通されたのは2階の座敷席。隣のテーブルの方たちが特にヘビースモーカーだったのもありますが、部屋中タバコの臭いが強くて…。 この辺は、お店の責任ではなく、最初に確認しなかったコチラの落ち度です。結果ゆっくりできなくて残念でした。 お料理自体は悪くないと思いました。ただドリンクの氷やお冷の臭いが気になりました。たまたまだったらすいません。 あと、メニューに価格が書かれてないのも気になりました。お会計を聞いて肌感でちょい高ぐらいの許容範囲でしたので我々はよかったのですが、イメージとかけ離れていると不信感を抱かなれかねないですね。 でも、きっといい店なんでしょうね。アルバイトの学生さんも愛想がよかったですし、多くのお客さんで賑わってました。
We all had a great time enjoying drinks together. It was a delightful experience. Thank you for the treat!
"I recently visited ITO'S at Lesterland, and let me tell you, I absolutely love their delicious menu! The offerings are fantastic, and it's easy to see why they've earned such a great reputation. The atmosphere is very inviting, making it a wonderful place to dine. I highly recommend trying their chicken and the other dishes. Overall, it's a charming restaurant with great food, a lovely ambiance, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorites! Although I didn't get to try everything this time, I can't wait to go back and sample more of their incredible dishes."
At Ato Nite, I had a delightful experience with the bold side dishes, and Rosal Ato Wabozu and VellySatisfeed were fantastic! The reservation process was smooth! I visited Maruoka Castle and enjoyed some ground chicken from the Fukui Daiichi Line! I was extremely satisfied with the delicious food and the local sake that Wahozu had booked for the evening!