フィードバックを提供するThe steak is cooked on the same plate as the meat. It is a beyond meat but smaller than those found in commerce.
The burger beyond meat is available in this Buffalo grill! You can ask without cheese if you want vegan
Faite attention , la seule option vegan c'est de la salade sans sauce qu'il faut aller chercher dans les condiment (je crois qu'il y a des tomates mais je suis plus sûr) Be aware, the only vegan option is the salad without anything (in the condiment section) (If I remember well, there is tomatoes , but I'm not sure about that) Fries are maybe vegan but I'm really not sure about that Les frites sont peut être vegan mais je suis vraiment pas sûr de ça
The steak is cooked on the same plate as the meat. It is a meat beyond, but smaller than that found in the trade.
The burger beyond the meat is available in this grilled bison! you can ask without cheese if you want vegan