フィードバックを提供するAfter the waitress told us we have to wait for an hour to place the order, she didn't tell us that in fact they were not cooking at all for the rest of the day.. We had to ask again in one hour if we can place the order and the other waitress was more honest with us and told us that we have waited hungry for nothing for an hour. They need help in the kitchen and better communication with their customers.
Foarte foarte scump , preturile sunt prea mari pt ce ofera aceasta terasa , in centrul vechi ,,Bucuresti ,, sunt preturi mai mici ca la aceasta locatie .
Locație minunată, personal grozav.
A beautiful bait, the personal is quite formed, the look is beautiful, even if I have the person who has this terrace, to add more plants and flowers at the rande, to more beauty and look more natural, it is well designed, clean, the prices are not high, the fish was tasty, I like it and I hope and wish them also, I have also pictures of the festivities that they can visit
E o terasa mai old school insa mancarea a fost delicioasa, portiile generoase si servirea ok. as spune ca am mancat cea mai buna saramura de pana acum.