フィードバックを提供するThere are those meals that one enjoys as a local of another country, those fusion meals that was merged as the word says with the palate of the place. That's how the Chinese meals serve in chore. This restaurant, well hidden in the heart of the shopping center of flowers, located in a well hidden passage, has good proposals for you to enjoy the Koreans, Argentinian and not foreign. typical Chinese fusion food - Korean, like chiachiangmion (black sauce, agridulce), udon (Japanese-origin polls, but serves a lot as fusion food), chiampong (spicuous soup, very spicy, eye !!!), mandu (splits) serves among other more complex dishes and many combined menus. I highlight the service of mozos and speed of service, a reasonable price, and for those who do not know this type of dishes, a pleasant experience in a cute, quiet restaurant, without knowing to speak Korean to go (it is not a restaurant in private like many Korean restaurants or Chinese-Korean fusion).