A fantastic place to sit and have a good time!
Very unpleasant. Too bad, it's one of the only places to go.
Very good reception. Simple, efficient and cheap meals. Boss and boss nice and open to the discussion. A warm place like we find less and less.
Nice little road bistro like we do more. The boss is open to the conversation as well as the regulars of the establishment.
Relaxing and tavern atmosphere listening! We can eat there in the evening! Miracle in Chatillon!
A fantastic place to sit and have a great time!!
A nice place to dine in the middle of nowhere one night a week. The bar restaurant is warm and the menu is simple: onion soup and fries but delicious. Ambiance...
続きを読むCool frameHamburgers and hot dogs excellentProducts fresh and homemadePizza on Friday and concerts on SaturdayFor the evening think to book
Nickel un routier motard !
Hallucinant to get dumped!! Don't go.
Sympathique bar de village qui propose un concert ce soir, avec des brochettes et de l'entrecôte au menu... Pas moins de 63 personnes attendues... Bon courage.....
続きを読むPatron plutôt désagréable. C'est dommage, car c'est l'un des rares endroits où l'on peut aller.
Patron très sympathique. Bon accueil.
A fantastic place tu sit down and have a great time!!