フィードバックを提供するHigh quality food, fairly complete, affordable price, clean place, no flies, friendly staff. authentic food is tasty, quite complete, affordable prices, clean place, no flies, friendly staff.
The rice is delicious! the rice is tasty and not too sharp for the javanese zunge. original nasi rendangnya enak! berasnya gurih dan nggak terlalu pedes buat lidah orang kiefer.
The menu is solid to popular trips original menunya mantap harga merakyat
The situation is cool and the menu is okay; the service is quite friendly. Because it was still new Tuesday, January 14, 2020 there was still construction of the Awning. Original Situasinya sejuk dan Menunya cukup oke; pelayanannya cukup ramah. Karena masih baru Selasa 14 Januari 2020 masih ada pembangunan Awning.
Comfortable place and good cuisine Original Tempat nyaman dan masakan enak