フィードバックを提供するFantastic food, reasonable prices, and incredible service - highly recommended for anyone looking for a delicious and satisfying meal. Plus, they welcome pets!
I love this restaurant and I wouldn't miss it for anything <3 We have closed it several times as the last guests, so I am thrilled that it is open again today after some time... could it be that we will be closing it again today? :)
I hope that a new owner will be found soon, because owning this restaurant really pays off. Few pubs can boast of so many satisfied customers.
V kategorii hospoda nema v Brne konkurenciu. V kategorii obsluha taktiez. Niet co vytknut. Menicka po cely den, hotovky za uzasne ceny a super pivo.
Epic jidlo super obsluha a ceny tak nizke ze je to k neuvereni v porovnani kvalita cena hodnoceni 90% vzdy se tam rad vracim jak pres den tak vecer jen tak dal GJ