フィードバックを提供するI love this place. I have beem there few times and I always left happy. The food is delicious. I recommend the borsch soup. The waiting staff are nice and with good level of English and the prices are very good.
I've never been to Russia, so I cannot compare the authenticity of the food. That being said, everything I had was excellent! Salmon soup with spinach, chicken filled potato cake with cream on the side and a glass of kvas, a typical low alcohol beverage made from rye. Leaving the restaurant, I felt very good the meals agreed with me completely : ... not at all that common in Czech restaurants. The staff was very pleasant and the food was served quickly. I noted that people from the local Russian community visited the place; which would attest to its authenticity. Tha radio played Russian pop music... it all felt very Russian; which I appreciate as a part of the experience. Note: the food is not at all on the expensive side.
Samovar is a bit of a contradiction. Unlike it's namesake, the intricately decorated tea urns, this tiny restaurant is anything but. It reminds me far more of an empty Russian supermarket: spartan and reminiscent of a bygone era. But maybe that's exactly all that's needed for this restaurant serving Russian cuisine. I've visited on a few occasions and have gone through a few meals ranging from the obligatory borscht (strictly speaking that's a Ukrainian dish but I shan't get political), pelmeni, varenyky or golubtsi with various side dishes like pickled fish with onions. Some of my Russian or Ukrainian friends I've visited with attested to the authenticity of the meals and rated them pretty good I'll just have to take their word for it because I wouldn't be able to tell. What I can tell is that any dish I ordered was tasty and a very welcome change from the usual. For expats yearning for a little bit of home, they'll be happy to know that Samovar also has a few imported goods on sale in their mini store. If you're up for something different and don't mind hearty meals that are unpretentious, Samovar could have you well fed and parting satisfied. Appetite comes from eating something I'd definitely recommend doing in Samovar!
Pro mě jak Bělorusku ta restauraci znamená asi víc než pro Brňaci, když dostanes chut na domácí ruské jídlo a nemáš moc čas vařit tak jdu k vám. vždycky se strašně najím až se nemůžu hýbat :D mají dobrý velký výběr jídla, trosku trvá čekací doba i když sedíš v prázdné restauraci ale to jenom potvrzuje ze jídlo se připravuje pečlivě a speciálně pro vás. Takovéj fakt rusky interiér, který trosku potěší a dostaneš nostalgii. Můžeš si tam i zakoupit kvas nebo rusky bonbóny, sušenou rybu a kaviár. Píšu a dostala jsem chuť na borsh s chlebickami s kaviarem, tak pa, už vím kde si dam dneska oběd :D