フィードバックを提供するFantastický bar, pekné čakacie a dlhé otváracie hodiny v porovnaní s iným barom.
Stara, dobra, osvedcena klasika. bol som tu po velmi dlhej dobe a nic sa tu nezmenilo za tie roky, co je super. dobra hudba, fajn staff, w pohode ceny.
This place: d it is always full of all, it is colorful, a little strange, a little flying, a little strange, but therefore I have many good experiences from there, and some beautiful concerts. they have a gin tonikum and go to enjoy it there; (original toto miesto. :d je wždy plné kadejakých ľudí, je pestré, trochu diwné, trochu uletené, trochu čudné, ale asi preto mám odtiaľ kopu dobrých zážitkow, aj zopár fajn koncertow. dajte si gin tonic a choďte si to tam užiť;
Great cocktails and happy hour going on till late! Good vibes and atmosphere
Really good music and atmosphere and people are welcoming