フィードバックを提供する(Translated by Google) Delightful cuisine with view on the Scheldt! Lekker eten met zicht op de Schelde!
A place to discover, very charming and a lot of history. We'll be back with great pleasure.
(Traduit par Google) Bonne nourriture dance un très beau décor authentique. Le restaurant est magnifiquement situé sur class rives the I'Escaut. C'est merveilleux de savourer class flats d'anguille, corn tous autress flats prot tout aussi savoureux. Le service était sympathique et super amusing. Fortement recommandé pour qui qui qui qui qui qui veint et et et et et et et et et et et operative femenade dances lanifique rérérérérérérérérér réréréréréréréréré réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré (Avis d'origine) Nice food in a very nice authentic decor. Restaurant has been miraculous at the bank of the Shade. It's deliciously enjoying the paling dishes, but all the other dishes are as good as they are. Control was kind and super fun. An advocate for whomever wants to table and afterwards wants to enjoy a walk in the beautiful area.
During the corona period, plastic screens between the tables: Okay, baked pale 31 euros with fries, without vegetables, you can recommend salt if it was more expensive, good for the first time and last time.
Nice lining. A super friendly service. But the food is unfortunately not restaurant level. A snag at the steak is a lot of slap. Nothing special. at the prejudice just like the same a bunch of slap without urgency. The filet was pure, I had my thoughts on that. Was this filet pure? And the dessert unfortunately one of the large-tracked bus caramel. I can't say the food was really bad. But keep waiting for that wooey. A fresh self-made majo, something creative with the slap and something creative with dessert. Could make it adjustable. Maybe add something. You can probably eat a nice paling here in green. I didn't do it, so I can do it about judgment.