フィードバックを提供するÞýtt af Google) Þegar þú hefur sett Ísland áttaði þú þig á því að fá góða máltíð á góðu verði verður krefjandi. Jæja, ekki lengra en þetta Filipino veitingahús í Borgarnesi, eina klukkustund norðan við Reykjavík. Ef þú ert að ferðast frá vestri til austurs eða austur til vesturs á hringveginum, þá ætti þetta að vera á stöðvun þinni fyrir máltíð sem þú munt þakka. Ef þú ert kunnugur Filipino matargerð eða ekki, verður þú að átta sig á góða máltíð þegar þú borðar í þessari stofnun. Taktu hlé frá bensínstöðinni og borðuðu góða máltíð. Upprunalegt) Once you set put on Iceland, you realize that getting a good meal for a resonable price will be challenging. Well look no further than this Filipino restaurant in Borgarnes, one hour north of Reykjavik. If you are traveling from west to east or east to west on the ring road, this should be on your stop for a meal you will appreciate. If you are familiar with Filipino cuisine or not, you will realize a good meal when you eat in this establishment. Take a break from the gas station food and have a good meal.
Þýtt af Google Það var frábært að finna ekta filippseyska stað á Íslandi! Ég pantaði lumpíuna og bað um hlið af hvítum hrísgrjónum þeir rukkuðu mig ekki aukalega fyrir það . Maturinn var eldaður ferskur og var óvenjulegur. Upprunalegt It was great to find an authentic Filipino place in Iceland! I ordered the lumpia and asked for side of white rice they didn't charge me extra for it . The food was cooked fresh and was exceptional.
Þýtt af Google) Áætlað verð fyrir veitingastað á Íslandi. Við höfðum steikt hrísgrjón með grænmeti, eggi og skinku í kr. 1490. Eigandi stýrir sjálfum sér. Ákveðið mælt! Upprunalegt) Reasonable price for restaurant food in Iceland. We had fried rice with vegetables, egg and ham for ISK 1490. Owner manages all by herself. Definitely recommended!
Once placed on Iceland, you know that a good food for a resonance price will challenge. Do not look further than this Filipino restaurant in Borgarnes, an hour north of Reykjavik. If you travel from west to east or east to west on the ring road, this should be on your stop for a meal you will appreciate. If you are familiar with the Filipino cuisine or not, you will recognize a good meal when you eat in this facility. Take a break from the food gas station and a good meal.
It was great to find an authentic Filipino place in Iceland! I ordered the lumps and asked about the side of the white rice (they did not charge me extra). The food was freshly cooked and was exceptional.