フィードバックを提供するThis Reformhaus (health food store) offers many vegan foods. If a product is not there, they reorder it for you and call you. If other people take it, too, they will include it in their range. The consultation is good, the stuff knows the ingredients of their products. There should be less food supplements based on gelatine.
Das Reformhaus Bacher gab es schon in meiner Kindheit. Vegetarische und vegane Produkte wurden bereits vor deren starker Popularität angeboten und das Sortiment stetig aktualisiert und erweitert. Das Reformhaus kann quantitativ aufgrund seiner Größe nicht mit den umliegenden Bioläden mithalten, dies gleicht es qualitativ jedoch aus. Eine kleine aber feine Auswahl an veganen Produkten und die sehr gute Beratung des freundlichen Personals spricht für sich.
This reform house (health food business) offers many vegan foods. if a product is not there, they reorder it for them and call them. if other people take it, they will contain it in their area. the consultation is good, the things know the ingredients of their products. it should be less food supplements based on gelatine.
The reform house bacher was already in my childhood. vegetarian and vegan products were already offered before their strong popularity and the sortiment was constantly updated and expanded. the reform house cannot remain quantitative due to its size with the surrounding bioshops, but this corresponds to qualitatiw. a small but fine selection of vegan products and the very good advice of the friendly staff speaks for itself.
This reform house (health food business) offers many vegan foods. if a product is not there, they will reorder it for them and call them. if other people take it, they will contain it in their area. Consultation is good, the witness knows the ingredients of their products. it should be less food supplements based on gelatine.