フィードバックを提供するVery nice place with good and not expensive eating. ingwer tee is fantastic and pizza is very good!
He's got a lot to do with his family. Service's high. Simple, clean everywhere. At this point, the Ricabarian is the best institution in the White Church. No disco.
First of all thanks to 2. Manager Olena . She solved problems that 1. Manager created .. Hotel is small and rooms also small . Room no 3 is ok. Large enough. Windows have barrier for flies. First day I stayed at room no 4 which is small and no fly protection on the window there is one window . They should fix the problem on bathrooms. Water goes out from the shower . Accommodation does care of restaurant more than hotel. Near the river nice nature. I recommend this accommodation but they should solve the problems that I told the 2. Manager Olena.
Rikabar has stylish and fashionable design, medium tasty dishes but very beautiful presentation, overprized overall. The staff is friendly but waiter didn't have a clue about dishes and couldn't help to place an order.
Were at the restaurant. Beautiful exterior, interior everything is very beautiful, solid. At the entrance met a friendly hostess, at the restaurant met a friendly waiter, introduced himself. The first thing that waiters usually do is give napkins, because guests may need to leave gum or dry their hands. Not allowed. The pitch is very nice, we sat mentally with a great view of the river. They brought the bill. When asked to pay by card, they said that there was no terminal, and it never happened that it was customary for them to pay in cash or simply transfer payment to a monobank card. And then, after all this beautiful interior and excellent presentation, they bring the card number on a piece of paper that has seen life . How so? Invest so much money in the outside and ... Card number on a piece of paper? At the same time, at the entrance they did not warn about the non working terminal. What if the card was the only possible payment method for the guest? I don't have cash, as a class, for example. Leaving, they told the hostesses about the situation. We heard in response that today everything was still working. And she doesn't understand why the waiter said that. What it was is not clear. But the desire to visit this institution does not arise again. Были в ресторане. Прекрасный экстерьер, интерьер всё очень красиво, солидно. На входе встретила приветливая хостесс, в ресторане встретил приветливый официант, представился. Первое, что делают официанты обычно дают салфетки, т.к. гостям может понадобиться оставить жвачку или вытереть руки. Не дали. Подача очень красивая, душевно посидели с отличным видом на реку. Принесли счёт. На просьбу оплатить картой, сказали, что терминала нет, и никогда не было, что у них в заведении принято рассчитываться наличными или просто перевести оплату на карту монобанка. И дальше, после всего этого красивого интерьера и прекрасной подачи приносят номер карты на видавшем жизнь клочке бумаги . Как так? Вложить столько денег во внешнее и... Номер карты на клочке бумаги? При этом, на входе не предупредили о неработающем терминале. А что, если бы карта была единственно возможным способом оплаты для гостя? Наличка у меня не водится, как класс, например. Уходя, сказали о ситуации хостесс. Услышали в ответ, что сегодня ещё всё работало. И она не понимает, почему официант так сказал. Что это было не понятно. Но желание посещать это заведение повторно не возникает больше.