フィードバックを提供するThe online reviews of Restaurant New Day Vietnam Heritage Food are on average 4.7 stars from 5. The present evaluation is based on 1117 evaluations. Among all host houses in Berlin, this company is among the best 10 . On Google, this gastronomic operation is rated 4.6 stars, at 871 reviews. The reviews on Tripadvisor are as follows: 4.5 out of 5 reviews for kitchen 4.5 out of 5 points for quality 4.5 points of 5 for service 4 points of 5 for setup 4.5 points of 5 on average On Trip.com, the guest reviews of this restaurant provide an average total rating of 5 out of 5 points. Compared to the other restaurants in Berlin, the average rating is 4.23, this is 4.7 stars above. The content of Google, Tripadvisor and Trip.com was used to summarize the reviews. The viewing period was at the beginning of 2021.
We had a mix of vegetarian and meatbased starters and main dishes and were very happy with the selection. Food was tasty and arrived promptly.
Very good foods and services. Just need to made a reservation before. I really recommend this place.
Very nice environment design, friendly service and delicious food. we cannot wait to visit this place again
I ordered Vietnamese coffee and bun nem. the coffee was as good as the authentic one I had in vietnam, highly recommended, bun nem was quite in order, fresh sweet and crispy roasted rolls. all the staff were so nice and friendly. I will be coming back