フィードバックを提供するLunch with two people for 40.60 Euros Today we went to the Achterdeck Restaurant of Hotel Bansiner Hof . My wife is tempted by the spiced day offer Fried zanderfilet with herbal butter, roast potatoes and salad bouquet and I through the sturdy candlestick, which pointed out that I would finally get back to my favorite beer. The inviting outdoor area of the Achterdeck is located directly on the promenade, only delimited by a protective glass front from the promenade. Shortly after our arrival came a young couple, the man with free upper body, and took place near us. Well we found here that the service power kindly addressed the gentlemen that he could please dress for the upper body what he did then. And really, even the rye wheat was in stock, even if a tick served too little cold, which was so on subsequent days, so this seems to be the normal temperature here. A new taste experience, because I didn't know that. And a good choice. And I continued my knowledge-taking fish by following my wife and ordering the Zanderfilet. Nothing wrong here again! The fried Zander tasted very good to both of us. And here, besides the obligatory bacon, onions and parsley, the roast potatoes are further refined with rags. This shouldn't be our last visit to the Achterdeck! By the way, we like the saying on page 1 of the menu: Your satisfaction is our goal, because we know 'To win a guest it takes years to lose him enough a few seconds ' This first visit followed two more during our holiday: visit 2 on 30.7.14, in the evening: with us it did not take years to see the menu, but only a visit to return here. We liked lunch a few days ago so that this time we returned to the Achterdeck for dinner. And as it continued in the evening, we took place in the restaurant itself. An extremely friendly welcome by the two service staff and a nice table assignment made the start. We were advised and actively pointed out things and even a second glass for wine tasting for my wife was offered. Well, perhaps I would have liked to have the wine for me all by myself : .... but no, the whole evening witnessed attention and commemoration as we have rarely experienced it. And as we were allowed to observe during the evening, each guest, depending on the degree of acquaintance, was covered with a nice personal conversation or a spell. A great praise that we just have to say to the dedicated woman J.! Our order was quickly made with advice by Mrs. J. and during the waiting period we let the restaurant work on us. A special feature was the murals, mostly maritime or marine motifs, which were illuminated in color from behind, and the color changed constantly. Somehow impressive, but also not intrusive or disturbing, how to think. So I finally tried the regionally typical sausage meat as an appetizer, which tasted excellent. My wife chose the small salad variation as an appetizer and got a scare if the giant portion that was crowned as a small varation. And then my wife's quote: I have rarely eaten such a great salad! A huge proportion, among other things, with two kinds of rocket, with Radiccio and above all OHNE iceberg salad! My wife's main food was Matjes' daily offer. A little salty maybe, but otherwise good. I once again wanted to see how meat tastes instead of fish, and so I chose the pork ends from the map. Also a good choice! Especially the very strong sauce described in the map as a light sauce enjoyed my palate well as the rest. That was a nice evening again! And certainly at least a third visit to the Achterdeck will follow during our holiday. On the way to the favorite restaurant.... only a few hundred kilometers away. So we enjoy it so long. Thanks for that! Visit 3 on 4.8.2014: The signs stand out and we wanted to enjoy a good meal in the Achterdeck again, because here we knew we would probably not be disappointed. And so was it. For security reasons, we reserved a table, which proved to be useful. The dishes like had a poem! From visit to visit even an increase, and compared to all the restaurants we had visited in the last 10 days, for us now THE address! And: 5 stars we like to give the food now! The small salad variation was as extensive and delicious as the last visit. The carrots ginger soup just a whin. And after 10 days almost exclusively eating fish and roast potatoes, we were now ready for a piece of meat with pommes. For 10 Euros! there has been a carving of Viennese art or Gypsy art. Large portions and exemplary pommes crocheted and fried in fresh fat. Predikat favorite restaurant deserves full. Goodbye, eighth deck. Peppers: visit 1: basil spices with mozarella spits 5,00 € Fried pork fillet with herbal butter, roast potatoes and salad bouquet 12,50 € rye wheat 0,5 l 4,30 € water 0,2 l 2,00 € visit 2: small salad variation with fine herbal dressing 6,00 € fine spices
An der schönen Bansiner Strandpromenade gelegen probierten wir dieses Restaurant, zum einen weil sich die Speisekarte sehr ansprechend las und zum anderen aufgrund der vielen positiven Bewertungen und der Nähe zu unserer Unterkunft. Obwohl wir eine Tischreservierung hatten, war die Tischdecke vom Vorgänger dreckig, es fehlte eine Kerze auf dem Tisch und zu allem Überfluss war meine Serviette schon einmal benutzt und wieder aufgestellt worden. Eklig! Der Service war freundlich und schnell, wirkte aber etwas künstlich. Es wird versucht ein gehobenes Niveau vorzugaukeln, was allerdings nicht gelingt. Auch nicht beim Essen. Preislich etwas höher angesiedelt, erwartet einen dennoch leider ein schmackhafter Tiefkühlfisch. Der Fisch (Zander) war zwar gut gebraten, das Essen schmeckte auch recht annehmbar, jedoch war das Gericht mit Fischtüften derart winzig, dass wir leider hungrig den Laden verließen. Fazit: Rundum bemüht! Werden dort nicht noch einmal essen gehen. Vielleicht steigt das Niveau im Laufe der Jahre, aber momentan ist es mehr Schein als Sein! Schade.
Das Achterdeck ist ein Lokal, wie man es sich wünscht. Der gesamte Service ist freundlich, aufmerksam und zuvorkommend. Wir haben das Restaurant mehrfach besucht und wurden die Speisen betreffend jedesmal neu überrascht. Hier sind Könner in der Küche, die raffiniert zubreitete Gerichte zubereiten. Alles wird wunderbar angerichtet. Man isst mit großem Appetit. Unbedingt empfehlenswert!!!!!
Ich kann die positiven Bewertungen leider nicht bestätigen. Einzig positiv die schnelle und freundliche Bedienung. Meine Fischplatte Achterdeck war sehr überschaubar. Die Qualität ließ zu wünschen übrig. Der Fisch war nicht frisch zubereitet, machte eher den Eindruck frisch aus dem Konvektor gekommen zu sein.Die Beilagen waren teilweise noch kalt, das Kartoffelpüree war sehr pampig.Für 20 Euro habe ich schon deutlich besser Fisch gegessen.Schade!
We have been here twice last week and were never disappointed. Reservation is recommended because the place is usually packed at dinner time. Friendly efficient service, the fish dishes were very good.