フィードバックを提供するWe were in the oxen yesterday, had not reserved and were surprised at the beginning about the somewhat rough tone, but remained even though we couldn't guarantee first of all if we got something to eat. Staying was the best decision. The food was very delicious. No bag food, but everything cooked by the host Eva. Dear Eva, I'm putting the hat in front of you, how they get it all by themselves and we're thanking you and the 4 young Markelsheimer men in the neighboring table for the incredibly beautiful evening.
We were there for the first time on the basis of a recommendation today. It is an economy that has come into the years and could use a little love: it was quite cool in the host room. So if you read this, dear Wirtin, you're really great! As you do, you deserve my greatest respect. The food was on the table within 25 minutes. The portion was gigantic, I didn't make it. I was allowed to take the rest home. The carving was very delicate! Also the mini tasted it. And children are often a bit picky : Thanks for the delicious dinner! We're happy back home. (I had s hunting carving)
Wir waren heute zum Essen im Ochsen. Die Wirtin ist einfach ein Original, nicht jeder kann mit ihrem Charme umgehen, wer sie aber versteht hat gewonnen. Das Essen war einfach super gut. We went to the Ochsen for dinner today. The landlady is simply an original, not everyone can deal with her charm, but whoever understands her has won. The food was just super good.
The host is not 'rustic', but rather plays as a embarrassing mini dictator. The food is good, plentiful and inexpensive, but this does not justify the handling of the guests. Apparently, locals were treated better. As a tourist without reservation, we have been blurred, among other things, when trying to get a beverage order, whether we could not see that we hindered the delivery of food to the neighboring table! Of course we couldn't. Although the hostess is admirably completely organized all alone, that just as little justifies her vaccinations when we dared to ask at the bill for an erroneous amount of 29,75 €... No more in the ox!
Ein Stern ist noch zu viel. Wir wollten gerne, auf Empfehlung, nach unserer Anreise etwas essen. Bis auf wenige Tische war alles frei. Man war jedoch zu unflexibel nach einer Möglichkeit zu schauen. Statt dessen hieß es, dass alle Tische reserviert seien. Ein besetzter Tisch wollte daraufhin zahlen. Doch auch hier wurde gesagt, dass er wieder besetzt sei. Einfach lächerlich. Man hätte auch einfach mal nach einem Freiraum für eine Stunde gucken können. An Unhöflichkeit nicht zu übertreffen! One star is still too many. We wanted to have something to eat after our arrival, on recommendation. Except for a few tables everything was free. However, one was too inflexible to look for a possibility. Instead, it was said that all tables were reserved. An occupied table then wanted to pay. But here, too, it was said that he was occupied again. Just ridiculous. You could also just look for a free space for an hour. Unsurpassed in rudeness!