フィードバックを提供する User は Pekinro のファン常連マニアだった:
I visited Chinze Food and ordered the Gomoku Yakisoba and the Wheel of the Tree. The flavors were delightful and heartwarming. I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was good, and the cuisine felt authentically Chinese. I also ordered the grilled buckwheat and spring rolls. Although they were cold, the taste was warm and comforting. I would definitely go back again; it was a pleasant experience! すべてのフィードバックを表示.
There are several shops in Asahikawa that offer authentic Chinese food. One of them is Beijing Rosaikan . First visit. It seems that a reasonable set meal set of 850 yen is on sale for lunch. I ordered this time Assorted cold vegetables, water dumplings, shrimp dumplings, fried frogs, fried rice, soupless tantanmen. Excluding drinks, over ¥ 8,000 two people . … It 's not cheap in total, but isn 't it reasonable in the Chinese market? Assorted cold dishes ¥ 2,000 , roasted pork, steamed chicken, jellyfish, century egg, pickled vegetables in sweet and sour sauce. Is cold roast pork shoulder meat? Light taste. Steamed chicken is moist and juicy without any dryness, and I also like sauce. The seasoning of the jellyfish is also a sweet seasoning, but for me it is an ant Water dumplings 8 pieces ¥ 700 Gyoza that feels coarsely chopped vegetables in a chewy skin. There was a lot of volume, the soup was light, and I was able to eat it. I had you prepare a set of three sauces soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil , but in the end I ate it as it was without using it. Shrimp dumplings 3 pieces ¥ 450 The crispy shrimp is firmly on the clear skin, which is different from the sticky wheat of water dumplings. Deep-fried rice frog 5 pieces ¥ 2,000 High-class ingredients such as abalone and shark fin are offered from ¥ 4,000, mixed in a reasonable dish. It 's a big celebration, so I can 't help it, so I experienced a strange frog for the first time. It looks like chicken wings and chicken wings. However, when I think that the bone is a chicken and eat it, it is unusually thin. In other words, I was happy that the part I ate was more than I had imagined. The taste is so delicious that if you can get edible frog meat at a lower price, it will dominate Japan. Fryed fried egg is on top of Gomoku fried rice ¥ 950 , and there are plenty of ingredients inside. Shrimp, crab, roast pork, egg, shiitake mushrooms, green peas, green onions. The ingredients tasted well, and the flavor of shiitake mushrooms came first. This may have different tastes. I ordered so far first, but it seems that I wasn 't full yet, so I added soupless tantanmen. The sesame balls are sold out, and it takes time to cook the potato candy. Shirunashi Tantanmen ¥ 950 Perhaps the flavor of sesame and the aroma of douchi, the spiciness is one bite, two bites ... When you finish eating three bites, you get sick. It 's not a lingering spiciness, it disappears quickly. I was surprised because I didn 't imagine that the vegetable salad was full of vegetables. Take out grilled dumplings 8 pieces ¥ 700 and shrimp dumplings 4 pieces ¥ 600 . I returned with satisfaction and fullness. Gochan  ̄people ̄ Original 旭川市内にもいくつか本格中華を提供するお店は有る。 その中の1店舗“北京楼菜館”。初来店。 お昼は850円のリーズナブルな定食セットが売りのようだ。 今回注文したのは 冷菜盛り合わせ、水餃子、海老餃子、田蛙唐揚げ、五目炒飯、汁なし坦々麺。 ドリンクは除いて¥8,000強 二人 。…決して合計すると安くは無いが、中華の相場でいえば妥当では無いか。 冷菜盛り合わせ ¥2,000 、叉焼、蒸し鶏、くらげ、皮蛋、野菜甘酢漬け。冷たい叉焼は肩肉かな?あっさりテイスト。蒸し鶏は全くパサつかずしっとりジューシー、タレも好み。くらげの味付けも好みが分かれる甘めの味付けだが、私的にはアリ 水餃子 8ヶ入り¥700 もっちりとした皮の中に粗く切った野菜を感じる餃子。ボリュームもあって、スープもあっさりしており、ペロリと食べられた。タレ三点セット 醤油、酢、辣油 を用意して頂いたが、結局使わずそのまま食べた。 海老餃子 3ヶ入り¥450 水餃子の小麦のもっちりとは異なる、透き通った皮にプリッとした海老がしっかりと。 田蛙唐揚げ 5ヶ¥2,000 リーズナブルな一品の中に紛れて、鮑やフカヒレなどの高級食材が¥4,000〜で提供されている。流石に大きなお祝いでも無いと手が出ないので、変わり種のカエルを初体験。 見た目は手羽元や手羽先に似る。しかし骨が鶏と思って食べると異様に細い。つまり食べる部分が想像以上にある嬉しさがあった。味は食用カエル肉がもっと安く手に入ったら、日本を席巻するのでは…と思うほど美味い。 五目炒飯 ¥950 上に揚げ焼き卵が乗っていて、中の具もたっぷり。海老・カニ・叉焼・卵に椎茸、グリンピース、ネギ。具もしっかり味がして、椎茸の風味が真っ先にきた。これは好みが分かれるかもしれない。 ここまでを最初に注文したが、まだお腹が満たされなかったようなので、汁なし坦々麺を追加。 胡麻団子売り切れ、芋の飴炊きは時間かかるとのこと。 汁なし坦々麺 ¥950 胡麻の風味と豆豉の香りだろうか、辛さは一口、二口…三口食べ終えるとカッカしてくるくらい?後を引く辛さではなく、割とすぐに消える。 野菜サラダがてんこ盛りだったのはイメージしてなかったので驚いた。 テイクアウトで焼き餃子 8ヶ入り¥700 、海老焼売 4ヶ入り¥600 を。 満足・満腹で帰りました。ごっちゃん  ̄人 ̄
ストレス喰い2件目 最近ハマっているチャーハン。850円 パラパラで油の香りも良く、塩味もちょーどいい。大きめのチャーシューもうれしい。旨し!スープは優しい薄味。 値段の割には量が少ないかな、2件目なのにペロリさ。 星4つです
Both oysters and shrimp are delicious. 牡蠣も海老も、プリプリして美味しいです。
The last time I visited, I gave up because I was told that I had no food, so this time I visited immediately after opening! The atmosphere of the shop is dark, but it calms down laughs Couple order lunch set It's delicious, but maybe a little! After leaving the store, both of us weren't satisfied yet It was a treat Original 前回伺った時は、ご飯がないと言われ諦めたので、今回は開店後すぐに訪問しました! お店の雰囲気は暗い感じですが、なんか落ち着く 笑 夫婦でランチセットを注文 美味しいけど、量が少ないかも! 店を出た後、2人共まだ満たされなかったけど、腹八分で我慢 ご馳走様でした